Lab 9 - Dijkstra's Algorithm
In this lab session we will implement Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm for finding one of the shortest path's between a source and target vertex in a weighted graph. We use the Graph data structure developed in Lab 8 and implement the algorithm using just the iterators and public interface exposed by the graph.
Dijkstra's Algorithm
#pragma once #include <set> #include <stack> #include <vector> namespace csc280::shortestPath { using Pair = std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>; using Pairs = std::vector<Pair>; template <template<typename, typename> typename Graph, typename V, typename E, typename Less = std::less<E>> std::pair<Pairs, E> dijkstra( const Graph<V,E>& graph, const V& source, const V& destination, const E& minValue, const E& maxValue, const Less& less = {} ) { std::vector<E> distances( graph.size(), maxValue ); Pairs previous; previous.reserve( graph.size() ); using QPair = std::pair<E, std::size_t>; using Queue = std::set<QPair>; Queue queue; const auto siter = graph.find( source ); const auto sindex = std::distance( graph.cbegin(), siter ); distances[sindex] = minValue; queue.insert( { minValue, sindex } ); const auto diter = graph.find( destination ); const auto dindex = std::distance( graph.cbegin(), diter ); bool found = false; while ( !queue.empty() ) { const auto begin = queue.cbegin(); std::size_t index = begin->second; if ( index == dindex ) { found = true; break; } queue.erase( begin ); const auto& current = graph[index]; for ( auto iter = graph.cbegin( current ); iter != graph.cend( current ); ++iter ) { const auto distance = distances[index] + *iter; if ( less( distance, distances[iter.index()] ) ) { distances[iter.index()] = distance; previous.push_back( { index, iter.index() } ); queue.insert( { distance, iter.index() } ); } } } if ( !found ) return { Pairs{}, maxValue }; std::stack<Pair> stack; int index = dindex; for ( auto riter = previous.crbegin(); riter != previous.crend(); ++riter ) { if ( index == riter->second ) { index = riter->first; stack.push( *riter ); } } Pairs paths; while ( !stack.empty() ) { paths.push_back( ); stack.pop(); } return { std::move( paths ), distances[dindex] }; } }
A simple data structure that represents a complex cost. We will imagine that the cost of driving from one place to another is a combination of various factors - distance, time to cover that distance (based on speed limits, traffic conditions etc), and the amount in tolls to be paid on a particular route. We will use this structure to ensure that the Dijkstra's algorithm implementation works properly with complex data types and not just with numbers.
// Cost.h #pragma once #include <ostream> namespace csc280::test { struct Cost { float distance; uint64_t duration; float tolls; float cost() const { return ( duration * 0.5 ) + ( distance * 0.3 ) + ( tolls * 0.2 ); } Cost operator+ ( const Cost& rhs ) const { return Cost{ distance + rhs.distance, duration + rhs.duration, tolls + rhs.tolls }; } }; inline bool operator< ( const Cost& lhs, const Cost& rhs ) { return lhs.cost() < rhs.cost(); } inline bool operator== ( const Cost& lhs, const Cost& rhs ) { return lhs.distance == rhs.distance && lhs.duration == rhs.duration && lhs.tolls == rhs.tolls; } inline bool operator!= ( const Cost& lhs, const Cost& rhs ) { return !( lhs == rhs ); } inline std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os, const Cost& cost ) { os << "Cost - distance: " << cost.distance << ", duration: " << cost.duration << ", tolls: " << cost.tolls; return os; } }
// Dijkstra.cpp #include "catch.hpp" #include "../main/AdjacencyListGraph.h" #include "../main/Dijkstra.h" #include "Cost.h" #include <iostream> #include <limits> SCENARIO( "Finding shortest path with numeric edge values" ) { GIVEN( "A graph of distances between cities" ) { csc280::AdjacencyListGraph<std::string, std::size_t> graph; WHEN( "When shortest path is second of possible paths" ) { graph.emplaceEdge( "Chicago", "Indianapolis", 200 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Indianapolis", "Cleveland", 300 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Cleveland", "Pittsburg", 300 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Pittsburg", "New York", 300 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Chicago", "Detroit", 300 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Detroit", "Buffalo", 500 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Buffalo", "New York", 200 ); const std::string start = "Chicago"; const std::string destination = "New York"; using limit = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>; const auto result = csc280::shortestPath::dijkstra( graph, start, destination, limit::min(), limit::max() ); REQUIRE( 1000 == result.second ); THEN( "Checking path by indices" ) { std::vector<std::size_t> indices; indices.reserve( result.first.size() + 2 ); indices.push_back( result.first.front().first ); for ( const auto pair : result.first ) { indices.push_back( pair.second ); } const std::vector<std::size_t> expected{ 0, 5, 6, 4 }; REQUIRE( expected == indices ); } AND_THEN( "Checking path by city names" ) { std::vector<std::string> cities; cities.reserve( result.first.size() + 2 ); cities.push_back( graph[result.first.front().first] ); for ( const auto pair : result.first ) { cities.push_back( graph[pair.second] ); } const std::vector<std::string> expected{ "Chicago", "Detroit", "Buffalo", "New York" }; REQUIRE( expected == cities ); } } WHEN( "When shortest path is first of possible paths" ) { graph.emplaceEdge( "Chicago", "Indianapolis", 100 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Indianapolis", "Cleveland", 200 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Cleveland", "Pittsburg", 300 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Pittsburg", "New York", 300 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Chicago", "Detroit", 300 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Detroit", "Buffalo", 500 ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Buffalo", "New York", 200 ); const std::string start = "Chicago"; const std::string destination = "New York"; using limit = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>; const auto result = csc280::shortestPath::dijkstra( graph, start, destination, limit::min(), limit::max() ); REQUIRE( 900 == result.second ); THEN( "Checking path by indices" ) { std::vector<std::size_t> indices; indices.reserve( result.first.size() + 2 ); indices.push_back( result.first.front().first ); for ( const auto pair : result.first ) { indices.push_back( pair.second ); } const std::vector<std::size_t> expected{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; REQUIRE( expected == indices ); } AND_THEN( "Checking path by city names" ) { std::vector<std::string> cities; cities.reserve( result.first.size() + 2 ); cities.push_back( graph[result.first.front().first] ); for ( const auto pair : result.first ) { cities.push_back( graph[pair.second] ); } const std::vector<std::string> expected{ "Chicago", "Indianapolis", "Cleveland", "Pittsburg", "New York" }; REQUIRE( expected == cities ); } } } } SCENARIO( "Finding shortest path with complex edge values" ) { GIVEN( "A graph of driving distance/time/cost between cities" ) { using csc280::test::Cost; csc280::AdjacencyListGraph<std::string, Cost> graph; WHEN( "Adding a route between Chicago and New York" ) { graph.emplaceEdge( "Chicago", "Indianapolis", Cost{ 200.0, 180, 25.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Indianapolis", "Cleveland", Cost{ 300.0, 200, 50.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Cleveland", "Pittsburg", Cost{ 300.0, 250, 35.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Pittsburg", "New York", Cost{ 300.0, 280, 60.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Chicago", "Detroit", Cost{ 300.0, 270, 25.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Detroit", "Buffalo", Cost{ 500.0, 500, 10.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Buffalo", "New York", Cost{ 200.0, 180, 25.0 } ); const Cost min{ 0.0, 0, 0 }; const Cost max{ 100000.0, 1000000, 1000000 }; const std::string start = "Chicago"; const std::string destination = "New York"; const auto result = csc280::shortestPath::dijkstra( graph, start, destination, min, max ); std::cout << "Shortest path vertices(1) "; for ( const auto& pair : result.first ) { std::cout << pair.first << " -> " << pair.second << ", "; } std::cout << "\n"; THEN( "Checking path by indices" ) { std::vector<std::size_t> indices; indices.reserve( result.first.size() + 2 ); indices.push_back( result.first.front().first ); for ( const auto pair : result.first ) { indices.push_back( pair.second ); } const std::vector<std::size_t> expected{ 0, 5, 6, 4 }; REQUIRE( expected == indices ); } } AND_WHEN( "Adding a route between Chicago and New York with time variation" ) { graph.emplaceEdge( "Chicago", "Indianapolis", Cost{ 200.0, 180, 25.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Indianapolis", "Cleveland", Cost{ 300.0, 200, 50.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Cleveland", "Pittsburg", Cost{ 300.0, 250, 35.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Pittsburg", "New York", Cost{ 300.0, 280, 60.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Chicago", "Detroit", Cost{ 300.0, 270, 25.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Detroit", "Buffalo", Cost{ 500.0, 500, 10.0 } ); graph.emplaceEdge( "Buffalo", "New York", Cost{ 200.0, 280, 25.0 } ); const Cost min{ 0.0, 0, 0 }; const Cost max{ 100000.0, 1000000, 1000000 }; const std::string start = "Chicago"; const std::string destination = "New York"; const auto result = csc280::shortestPath::dijkstra( graph, start, destination, min, max ); std::cout << "Shortest path vertices(2) "; for ( const auto& pair : result.first ) { std::cout << pair.first << " -> " << pair.second << ", "; } std::cout << "\n"; THEN( "Checking path by indices" ) { std::vector<std::size_t> indices; indices.reserve( result.first.size() + 2 ); indices.push_back( result.first.front().first ); for ( const auto pair : result.first ) { indices.push_back( pair.second ); } const std::vector<std::size_t> expected{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; REQUIRE( expected == indices ); } } } }