Sans Pareil Technologies, Inc.

Key To Your Business


C++ Servlet Container

Poco C++ library includes a light-weight scalable HTTP Server that can be used to create high performance custom web servers. The only downside to the approach is that each HTTP request handler needs to be mapped statically in code in a HTTPRequestHandlerFactory. The server implementation would be more flexible and easier to maintain if there was a way to declaratively map the request handler to request URI’s. JEE servlet containers support a very elegant and flexible request dispatching system based on servlets and paths mapped in a JEE web.xml file.

SPT has developed the Minnal (lightning in Malayalam) servlet container that uses a standard web.xml file to map the request handlers to request URI’s. SPT made use of the CERN Reflex framework to load and create servlet instances based on mapped class names. Relfex uses GCC_XML to parse class header files and generate C++ classes that add compile time support for introspecting C++ classes.


Since version 1.4, Minnal does not use Reflex. We moved to a simpler macro based static registration system to register servlets by class name, since we do not use any other features of reflection such as dynamic method invocation.

Minnal Servlet Container


ServletContainer is a standard Poco::Util::ServerApplication sub-class. It initialises a RequestDispatcher instance, which takes over request handling. The following code sets up our request dispatcher using the standard pattern for a Poco::Util::ServerApplication.

  ServerSocket svs( port );<br/>
HTTPServer srv( new RequestDispatcher( configDirectory, xmlConfiguration, config() ), svs, params );<br/>

Note that it is possible to build a different version of ServletContainer that directly creates a VirtualHostServer if the container does not need to support virtual hosts.

A simple XML file is used to configure the container. The configuration file is parsed using a Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration, and the parsed configuration instance is passed to the RequestDispatcher instance. The RequestDispatcher uses the configuration information to instantiate the required VirtualHostServer instances - one for each virtual host configured. A sample minnal.xml configuration file is shown in the Configuration section.




Content Management



System Security

Application Security


Solaris SMF Scripts

We have illustrated how simple it is to create high performance cross-platform servlet containers using C++ and Poco. We can easily use these concepts to create light-weight embedded web servers for a variety of platforms including mobile devices. We chose to use a standard JEE web.xml file as the primary configuration file for each virtual host configured for the system, since these are well documented and understood.

For the curious (Minnal is neither open source nor distributed), the API documentation for Minnal may be viewed in: HTML, PDF

We have not tried compiling Reflex for iOS yet, but Poco works perfectly on iOS (the core of our UMA framework is built around Poco). C++ is at present a more cross-platform development language than Java, since Java does not run on iOS, while C++ can be used on all popular platforms.