Sans Pareil Technologies, Inc.

Key To Your Business

Bucket Hash Table

A concurrent (thread safe) implementation of the bucket hashing principle. Uses a configured number of partitions/shards to store a subset of the items stored in the table. Each partition/shard is implemented similar to an open addressing hash table, while all the overflow items are stored in a common binary search tree (std::set).

Note: The implementation is incomplete, and the iterators are not thread safe.
Header file that declares the interface for the hash table. Note that since the overflow is stored in a binary search tree, the elements being stored must also define the less than operator (<) or provide a custom functor.
// ParallelHashTable.h
#pragma once

#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <sstream>

namespace csc280
  template <typename T, std::size_t P, std::size_t B,
    typename Hash = std::hash<T>, typename Equals = std::equal_to<T>,
    typename Less = std::less<T>>
  class ParallelHashTable final
#include "private/PHTTable.h"

    using Table = PHTTable<T, B, Equals>;
    using Array = std::array<Table, P>;
    using ArrayPtr = std::unique_ptr<Array>;
    using Overflow = std::set<T, Less>;

#include "private/PHTIterator.h"

    using key_type = T;
    using value_type = T;

    using iterator = PHTIterator<T, P, B, Hash, Equals, Less>;
    using const_iterator = PHTIterator<T, P, B, Hash, Equals, Less>;

    ParallelHashTable() : tables{ std::make_unique<Array>() } {}

    ~ParallelHashTable() = default;

    ParallelHashTable( const ParallelHashTable& ) = delete;
    ParallelHashTable& operator=( const ParallelHashTable& rhs ) = delete;

    auto begin() const -> iterator;
    auto cbegin() const -> const_iterator { return begin();  }

    auto end() const -> iterator;
    auto cend() const -> const_iterator { return end(); }

    auto insert( T data ) -> iterator;

    template <typename... Args>
    iterator emplace( Args&&... args ) { return insert( { args } ); }

    auto find( const T& data ) const -> iterator;

    auto erase( const T& data ) -> iterator;

    void clear();

    bool empty() const { return !size(); }
    std::size_t size() const { return stats.occupied + stats.overflow; }
    constexpr std::size_t capacity() const { return P * B; }

    std::string getStats() const { return static_cast<std::string>( stats ); }


#include "private/OAStats.h"

    std::size_t tableIndex( const std::size_t hashCode ) const;

    ArrayPtr tables;
    Overflow overflow;
    OAStats<P*B> stats;
    Hash hash;
    Equals equals;
    const std::hash<std::size_t> tableHash{};
    mutable std::shared_mutex mutex;

#include "private/PHTImpl.h"
Iterator implementation of the hash table. Note that the iterator is not thread safe at present.
// private/PHTIterator.h
template <typename T, std::size_t P, std::size_t B,
  typename Hash, typename Equals, typename Less>
struct PHTIterator final
  using difference_type = std::size_t;
  using value_type = T;
  using reference = T& ;
  using const_reference = const T&;
  using pointer = T* ;
  using const_pointer = const T*;
  using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;

  PHTIterator() = delete;
  PHTIterator( const PHTIterator& ) = default;

  PHTIterator& operator++()
    if ( titer == tables->cend() && oiter == overflow->cend() ) return *this;

    if ( titer == tables->cend() )
      return *this;

    if ( biter != titer->cend() ) ++biter;
    if ( biter == titer->cend() )
      if ( titer != tables->cend() )
        biter = titer->cbegin();
        return *this;

      biter = titer->cend();

    return *this;

  PHTIterator& operator--()
    if ( titer == tables->cbegin() && biter == titer->cbegin() ) return *this;

    if ( oiter != overflow->cbegin() )
      return *this;

    if ( biter != titer->cbegin() )
      return *this;

    if ( titer != tables->cbegin() )
      biter = --( titer->cend() );

    return *this;

  bool operator==( const PHTIterator& rhs ) const
    return tables == rhs.tables && overflow == rhs.overflow &&
      titer == rhs.titer && biter == rhs.biter && oiter == rhs.oiter;

  bool operator!=( const PHTIterator& rhs ) const
    return !operator==( rhs );

  const_reference operator*() const
    return ( titer == tables->cend() ) ? oiter.operator*() : biter.operator*()->value();

  const_pointer operator->() const
    return ( titer == tables->cend() ) ? oiter.operator->() : *(biter.operator->()->value);

  explicit PHTIterator( const Array* tables, const Overflow* overflow ) :
    tables{ tables }, overflow{ overflow }, titer{ tables->cbegin() }, 
    biter{ titer->cbegin() }, oiter { overflow->cbegin() } {}

  static PHTIterator createBegin( const Array* tables, const Overflow* overflow )
    return PHTIterator( tables, overflow );

  static PHTIterator createEnd( const Array* tables, const Overflow* overflow )
    auto iter = PHTIterator( tables, overflow );
    iter.titer = tables->cend();
    --( iter.titer );
    iter.biter = iter.titer->cend();
    ++( iter.titer );
    iter.oiter = overflow->cend();
    return iter;

  static PHTIterator createTable( const Array* tables, const Overflow* overflow,
    const std::size_t tableIndex, const std::size_t bucketIndex )
    auto iter = PHTIterator( tables, overflow );
    std::advance( iter.titer, tableIndex );
    iter.biter = iter.titer->cbegin();
    std::advance( iter.biter, bucketIndex );
    return iter;

  static PHTIterator createOverflow( const Array* tables, const Overflow* overflow,
    typename const Overflow::const_iterator oiter )
    auto iter = PHTIterator( tables, overflow );
    iter.titer = --( tables->cend() );
    iter.biter = iter.titer->cend();
    ++( iter.titer );
    iter.oiter = oiter;
    return iter;

  const Array* tables;
  const Overflow* overflow;

  typename Array::const_iterator titer;
  typename Table::const_iterator biter;
  typename Overflow::const_iterator oiter;

  friend class ParallelHashTable<T, P, B, Hash, Equals, Less>;
Implementation of the open address hash table used as a single partition within the parallel hash table implementation.
// private/PHTTable.h
template <typename T, std::size_t B, typename Equals = std::equal_to<T>>
struct PHTTable final
  using Data = std::optional<T>;
  using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<Data>;
  using Array = std::array<Ptr, B>;
  using ArrayPtr = std::unique_ptr<Array>;
  using const_iterator = typename Array::const_iterator;

  PHTTable() : buckets{ std::make_unique<Array>() } {}

  std::size_t insertIndex( const T& data, const std::size_t hashCode )
    if ( stats.occupied == B ) return B;
    return probe( data, hashCode );

  void insert( T data, const std::size_t index )
    std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );
    buckets->at( index ) = std::make_unique<Data>( Data{ std::move( data ) } );

  std::size_t find( const T& data, const std::size_t hashCode )
    const auto hasValue = [this, &data]( const std::size_t index ) -> bool
      const auto optional = buckets->at( index ).get();
      return ( optional->has_value() && equals( data, optional->value() ) );

    auto index = hashCode % B;
    std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );
    if ( !buckets->at( index ) ) return B + 1;
    if ( hasValue( index ) ) return index;

    std::size_t i = 0;
    while ( true )
      if ( i > 10 ) return B;
      index = ( hashCode + ( i * i ) ) % B;

      if ( !buckets->at( index ) ) return B + 1;
      if ( hasValue( index ) ) return index;

    return B;

  std::size_t erase( const T& data, const std::size_t hashCode )
    auto index = find( data, hashCode );
    if ( index >= B ) return index;

    std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );
    buckets->at( index )->reset();
    return index;

  const Data* at( const std::size_t index ) const
    std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );
    return buckets->at( index ).get();

  void clear()
    std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );
    for ( auto iter = buckets->begin(); iter != buckets->end(); ++iter )

    count = 0;

  const_iterator cbegin() const { return buckets->cbegin(); }
  const_iterator cend() const { return buckets->cend(); }

  std::size_t probe( const T& data, const std::size_t hashCode ) const
    if ( stats.occupied == B ) return B;
    auto index = hashCode % B;
    std::size_t i = 0;
    std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );

    while ( !isEmpty( index ) )
      if ( equals( data, buckets->at( index )->value() ) ) return index;
      if ( ++i > 10 ) return B;
      index = ( hashCode + ( i * i ) ) % B;

    return index;

  bool isEmpty( const std::size_t index ) const
    auto ptr = buckets->at( index ).get();
    return ( !ptr ) ? true : !ptr->has_value();

#include "private/OAStats.h"

  ArrayPtr buckets;
  mutable OAStats<B> stats;
  mutable std::shared_mutex mutex;
  Equals equals;
The implementation of the functions for the hash table.
// private/PHTImpl.h
template<typename T, std::size_t P, std::size_t B, typename Hash,
  typename Equals, typename Less>
auto ParallelHashTable<T, P, B, Hash, Equals, Less>::begin() const -> iterator
  return iterator::createBegin( tables.get(), &overflow );

template<typename T, std::size_t P, std::size_t B, typename Hash,
  typename Equals, typename Less>
auto ParallelHashTable<T, P, B, Hash, Equals, Less>::end() const -> iterator
  return iterator::createEnd( tables.get(), &overflow );

template <typename T, std::size_t P, std::size_t B, typename Hash,
  typename Equals, typename Less>
auto ParallelHashTable<T, P, B, Hash, Equals, Less>::insert( T data ) -> iterator
  const auto hashCode = hash( data );
  const auto partition = tableIndex( hashCode );
  auto& table = tables->at( partition );

  const auto begin = table.stats.collisions;
  const auto index = table.insertIndex( data, hashCode );
  const auto end = table.stats.collisions;
  stats.collisions += end - begin;

  if ( index == B )
    std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );
    const auto pair = overflow.insert( std::move( data ) );
    if ( pair.second ) ++stats.overflow;
    return iterator::createOverflow( tables.get(), &overflow, pair.first );

  auto ptr = index );
  if ( !ptr || !ptr->has_value() )
    table.insert( std::move( data ), index );
    std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );

  return iterator::createTable( tables.get(), &overflow, partition, index );

template <typename T, std::size_t P, std::size_t B, typename Hash,
  typename Equals, typename Less>
auto ParallelHashTable<T, P, B, Hash, Equals, Less>::find( const T& data ) const -> iterator
  const auto hashCode = hash( data );
  const auto partition = tableIndex( hashCode );
  const auto index = tables->at( partition ).find( data, hashCode );

  if ( index == B + 1 ) return end(); // does not exist

  if ( index == B )
    std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );
    const auto iter = overflow.find( std::move( data ) );
    return iterator::createOverflow( tables.get(), &overflow, iter );

  return iterator::createTable( tables.get(), &overflow, partition, index );

template <typename T, std::size_t P, std::size_t B, typename Hash,
  typename Equals, typename Less>
auto ParallelHashTable<T, P, B, Hash, Equals, Less>::erase( const T& data ) -> iterator
  const auto hashCode = hash( data );
  const auto partition = tableIndex( hashCode );
  const auto index = tables->at( partition ).erase( data, hashCode );
  std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );

  if ( index >= B )
    const auto iter = overflow.find( data );
    if ( iter != overflow.cend() )
      const auto oiter = overflow.erase( iter );
      return iterator::createOverflow( tables.get(), &overflow, oiter );

  return iterator::createTable( tables.get(), &overflow, partition, index );

template <typename T, std::size_t P, std::size_t B, typename Hash,
  typename Equals, typename Less>
void ParallelHashTable<T, P, B, Hash, Equals, Less>::clear()
  for ( auto iter = tables->begin(); iter != tables->end(); ++iter ) iter->clear();
  std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock( mutex );

template <typename T, std::size_t P, std::size_t B, typename Hash, typename Equals, typename Less>
std::size_t ParallelHashTable<T, P, B, Hash, Equals, Less>::tableIndex( const std::size_t hashCode ) const
  const auto phash = tableHash( hashCode );
  const auto partition = phash % P;
  return partition;
A simple test using the parallel hash table as a regular hash table in the same manner as an open addressing based hash table implementation.
// ParallelHashTable.cpp
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "functions.h"
#include "../main/ParallelHashTable.h"

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>

SCENARIO( "Generating statistics for parallel hash tables with varying capacity" )
  using std::chrono::duration_cast;
  using std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
  using std::chrono::microseconds;

  GIVEN( "A hash table of strings with capacity 10000" )
    constexpr std::size_t size = 10000;
    csc280::ParallelHashTable<std::string, 10, 1000> hash;

    WHEN( "Adding same number of random strings as table size" )
      const auto t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i )
        auto value = csc280::test::generateRandomString();
        while ( hash.find( value ) != hash.cend() ) value = csc280::test::generateRandomString();
        hash.insert( std::move( value ) );
      REQUIRE( size == hash.size() );

      csc280::test::ofs << "Parallel hash table of strings stats for capacity 10000\n" << hash.getStats();

      const auto t2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      const auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>( t2 - t1 ).count();
      std::cout << "Time to add " << size << " strings to parallel hash table: " <<
        duration << " microseconds\n";

    AND_WHEN( "Finding each string added to table" )
      std::vector<std::string> values;
      values.reserve( size );

      for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i )
        auto value = csc280::test::generateRandomString();
        while ( hash.find( value ) != hash.cend() ) value = csc280::test::generateRandomString();
        values.push_back( value );
        hash.insert( std::move( value ) );
      REQUIRE( size == hash.size() );

      const auto t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      const auto iter = hash.cend();

      for ( const auto& value : values )
        REQUIRE( hash.find( value ) != iter );

      const auto t2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      const auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>( t2 - t1 ).count();
      std::cout << "Time to find " << size << " strings in parallel hash table: " <<
        duration << " microseconds\n";

    AND_WHEN( "Finding each string added to table of double capacity" )
      std::vector<std::string> values;
      values.reserve( size / 2 );

      for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < size / 2; ++i )
        auto value = csc280::test::generateRandomString();
        while ( hash.find( value ) != hash.cend() ) value = csc280::test::generateRandomString();
        values.push_back( value );
        hash.insert( std::move( value ) );

      const auto t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      const auto iter = hash.cend();

      for ( const auto& value : values )
        REQUIRE( hash.find( value ) != iter );

      const auto t2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      const auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>( t2 - t1 ).count();
      std::cout << "Time to find " << size / 2 <<
        " strings in parallel hash table of capacity " << size
        << ": " << duration << " microseconds\n";

A simple test suite for the parallel hash table when used concurrently using multiple threads to read and write to the table.
// MultiThreaded.cpp
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "functions.h"
#include "../main/ParallelHashTable.h"

#include <chrono>
#include <execution>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>

using HashTable = csc280::ParallelHashTable<std::string, 10, 1000>;
using Vector = std::vector<std::string>;
constexpr std::size_t size = 10000;

namespace csc280::mt
  Vector createStrings( HashTable& hash )
    Vector values;
    values.reserve( 10000 );

    const auto func = [&hash]()
      Vector values;
      values.reserve( 2000 );

      for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < 2000; ++i )
        auto value = csc280::test::generateRandomString();
        while ( hash.find( value ) != hash.cend() ) value = csc280::test::generateRandomString();
        values.push_back( value );
        hash.insert( std::move( value ) );

      return values;

    auto fut1 = std::async( std::launch::async, func);
    auto fut2 = std::async( std::launch::async, func);
    auto fut3 = std::async( std::launch::async, func);
    auto fut4 = std::async( std::launch::async, func);
    auto fut5 = std::async( std::launch::async, func);

    const auto&& v1 = fut1.get();
    values.insert( values.end(), v1.begin(), v1.end() );

    const auto&& v2 = fut2.get();
    values.insert( values.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end() );

    const auto&& v3 = fut3.get();
    values.insert( values.end(), v3.begin(), v3.end() );

    const auto&& v4 = fut4.get();
    values.insert( values.end(), v4.begin(), v4.end() );

    const auto&& v5 = fut5.get();
    values.insert( values.end(), v5.begin(), v5.end() );

    return values;

  void findValues( const HashTable& hash, const Vector& values )
    const auto iter = hash.cend();

      [&hash, &iter] ( auto&& value )
      const auto f = hash.find( value );
      REQUIRE( f != iter );
    } );

SCENARIO( "Generating statistics for parallel hash tables with varying capacity using multiple threads" )
  using std::chrono::duration_cast;
  using std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
  using std::chrono::microseconds;

  GIVEN( "A hash table of strings with capacity 10000" )
    HashTable hash;

    WHEN( "Adding same number of random strings as table size using multiple threads" )
      const auto t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      csc280::mt::createStrings( hash );
      REQUIRE( size == hash.size() );

      csc280::test::ofs << "Parallel hash table of strings stats for capacity 10000 using multiple threads\n" << hash.getStats();

      const auto t2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      const auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>( t2 - t1 ).count();
      std::cout << "Time to add " << size << " strings to parallel hash table using multiple threads: " <<
        duration << " microseconds\n";

    AND_WHEN( "Finding each string added to table" )
      const auto values = csc280::mt::createStrings( hash );

      const auto t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      csc280::mt::findValues( hash, values );
      const auto t2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      const auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>( t2 - t1 ).count();
      std::cout << "Time to find " << size << " strings in parallel hash table using multiple threads: " <<
        duration << " microseconds\n";

    AND_WHEN( "Finding each string added to table of double capacity" )
      Vector values;
      values.reserve( size / 2 );

      for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < size / 2; ++i )
        auto value = csc280::test::generateRandomString();
        while ( hash.find( value ) != hash.cend() ) value = csc280::test::generateRandomString();
        values.push_back( value );
        hash.insert( std::move( value ) );

      const auto t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      csc280::mt::findValues( hash, values );
      const auto t2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
      const auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>( t2 - t1 ).count();
      std::cout << "Time to find " << size / 2 <<
        " strings in parallel hash table of capacity " << size 
        << " using multiple threads: " << duration << " microseconds\n";
