Sans Pareil Technologies, Inc.

Key To Your Business

Lab3 - Trie

In this lab exercise, we will develop a simple prototype auto complete service that will return matching text based on prefix text that a hypothetical user/client sends to the service. We will use the simple compressed Trie implementation which is more than sufficient for the purposes of this lab exercise (single header file include).


There are a couple of bugs in the trie header that is distributed. Edit the file and make the following changes:

  • Go to line 44 and replace the unsigned with auto.

  • Change line 491 to include a check for valid pointer
    if ( _impl && !_impl->get()->has_value() ) { ++( *this ); }

The interface for the auto complete service. Note that this service can only match strings that start with the same case that the input string was in.

File: AutoCompleteService.h
#pragma once

#include "trie.h"

namespace csc280
  class AutoCompleteService
    using Matches = std::vector<std::string>;

    AutoCompleteService() = default;
    ~AutoCompleteService() = default;

    AutoCompleteService( const AutoCompleteService& ) = delete;
    AutoCompleteService& operator=( const AutoCompleteService& ) = delete;

    template <typename InputIterator>
    AutoCompleteService( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end )
      assign( begin, end );

    AutoCompleteService( std::initializer_list<std::string> list )
      assign( std::make_move_iterator( list.begin() ), std::make_move_iterator( list.end() ) );

    void add( std::string word );
    Matches matches( const std::string& prefix ) const;

    template <typename InputIterator>
    void assign( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end );

    using Set = trie::trie_map<char, trie::SetCounter>;
    Set set;

  template <typename InputIterator>
  void AutoCompleteService::assign( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end )
    for ( auto iter = begin; iter != end; ++iter ) add( *iter );
ACS Impl 
The implementation of the auto complete service.

File: AutoCompleteService.cpp
#include "AutoCompleteService.h"
#include <algorithm>

using csc280::AutoCompleteService;

void AutoCompleteService::add( std::string word )
  if ( !set.contains( word ) ) set.insert( std::move( word ) );

AutoCompleteService::Matches AutoCompleteService::matches( const std::string& prefix ) const
  Matches matches;
  auto self = const_cast<AutoCompleteService*>( this );

  for ( auto iter = self->set.find_prefix( prefix ); iter != self->set.end(); ++iter )
    matches.push_back( iter.key() );

  std::sort( matches.begin(), matches.end() );
  return matches;
The definition of the case insensitive auto complete service.

File: CIAutoCompleteService.h
#pragma once

#include "trie.h"

namespace csc280
  class CIAutoCompleteService
    using Matches = std::vector<std::string>;

    CIAutoCompleteService() = default;
    ~CIAutoCompleteService() = default;

    CIAutoCompleteService( const CIAutoCompleteService& ) = delete;
    CIAutoCompleteService& operator=( const CIAutoCompleteService& ) = delete;

    template <typename InputIterator>
    CIAutoCompleteService( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end )
      assign( begin, end );

    CIAutoCompleteService( std::initializer_list<std::string> list )
      assign( std::make_move_iterator( list.begin() ), std::make_move_iterator( list.end() ) );

    void add( std::string word );
    Matches matches( std::string prefix ) const;

    template <typename InputIterator>
    void assign( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end );

    trie::trie_map<char, std::vector<std::string>> map;

  template <typename InputIterator>
  void CIAutoCompleteService::assign( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end )
    for ( auto iter = begin; iter != end; ++iter ) add( *iter );
The implementation file for the case insensitive auto complete service.

File: CIAutoCompleteService.cpp
#include "CIAutoCompleteService.h"
#include <algorithm>

using csc280::CIAutoCompleteService;

void CIAutoCompleteService::add( std::string word )
  auto lower = word;
  std::transform( lower.begin(), lower.end(), lower.begin(), ::tolower );

  auto iter = map.find( lower );
  if ( iter == map.end() ) map.insert( lower, { std::move( word ) } );
  else iter.value().push_back( std::move( word ) );

CIAutoCompleteService::Matches CIAutoCompleteService::matches( std::string prefix ) const
  Matches matches;
  auto self = const_cast<CIAutoCompleteService*>( this );

  std::transform( prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), prefix.begin(), ::tolower );

  for ( auto iter = self->map.find_prefix( prefix ); iter != self->map.end(); ++iter )
    std::copy( iter.value().cbegin(), iter.value().cend(), std::back_inserter( matches ) );

  std::sort( matches.begin(), matches.end() );
  return matches;
ACS Test 
A simple test suite for the auto complete service.

File: CaseSensitive.cpp
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "../main/AutoCompleteService.h"

SCENARIO( "Auto complete service returns based on words added to it" )
  GIVEN( "An empty auto complete service instance" )
    csc280::AutoCompleteService service;

    THEN( "Empty service does not return any matches" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "an" );
      REQUIRE( matches.empty() );

  GIVEN( "An auto complete service with known data" )
    csc280::AutoCompleteService service;
    service.add( "program" );
    service.add( "programming" );
    service.add( "programmer" );
    service.add( "iterate" );
    service.add( "iterator" );
    service.add( "iterating" );
    service.add( "language c++" );
    service.add( "language scala" );
    service.add( "language erlang" );
    service.add( "language haskell" );

    THEN( "Auto complete service finds words starting with prog" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "prog" );
      const csc280::AutoCompleteService::Matches expected{
        "program", "programmer", "programming" };
      REQUIRE( expected == matches );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service finds words starting with iter" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "iter" );
      const csc280::AutoCompleteService::Matches expected{
        "iterate", "iterating", "iterator" };
      REQUIRE( expected == matches );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service finds words with spaces" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "language" );
      const csc280::AutoCompleteService::Matches expected{
        "language c++", "language erlang", "language haskell", "language scala" };
      REQUIRE( expected == matches );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service does not find words with different case" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "Lang" );
      REQUIRE( matches.empty() );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service returns empty results for non-existent words" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "invalid" );
      REQUIRE( matches.empty() );

SCENARIO( "Auto complete service returns based on initial word list" )
  GIVEN( "A pre-initialized auto complete service" )
    const csc280::AutoCompleteService service{
      "program", "programming", "programmer",
      "iterate", "iterator", "iterating",
      "language c++", "language scala", "language haskell", "language erlang"

    THEN( "Auto complete service finds words starting with prog" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "prog" );
      const csc280::AutoCompleteService::Matches expected{
        "program", "programmer", "programming" };
      REQUIRE( expected == matches );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service finds words starting with iter" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "iter" );
      const csc280::AutoCompleteService::Matches expected{
        "iterate", "iterating", "iterator" };
      REQUIRE( expected == matches );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service finds words with spaces" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "language" );
      const csc280::AutoCompleteService::Matches expected{
        "language c++", "language erlang", "language haskell", "language scala" };
      REQUIRE( expected == matches );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service does not find words with different case" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "Lang" );
      REQUIRE( matches.empty() );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service returns empty results for non-existent words" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "invalid" );
      REQUIRE( matches.empty() );
A simple test suite for the case insensitive auto complete service.

File: CaseInsensitive.cpp
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "../main/CIAutoCompleteService.h"

SCENARIO( "Case insensitive auto complete service" )
  GIVEN( "A case insensitive auto complete service seed with a set of words" )
    const csc280::CIAutoCompleteService service{
      "Program", "programming", "programmer",
      "iterate", "Iterator", "iterating",
      "Language c++", "language scala", "language haskell", "Language erlang"

    THEN( "Auto complete service finds words starting with prog" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "prog" );
      const csc280::CIAutoCompleteService::Matches expected{
        "Program", "programmer", "programming" };
      REQUIRE( expected == matches );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service finds words starting with Prog" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "Prog" );
      const csc280::CIAutoCompleteService::Matches expected{
        "Program", "programmer", "programming" };
      REQUIRE( expected == matches );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service finds words starting with iter" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "iter" );
      const csc280::CIAutoCompleteService::Matches expected{
        "Iterator", "iterate", "iterating" };
      REQUIRE( expected == matches );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service finds words with spaces" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "lang" );
      const csc280::CIAutoCompleteService::Matches expected{
        "Language c++", "Language erlang", "language haskell", "language scala" };
      REQUIRE( expected == matches );

    AND_THEN( "Auto complete service returns empty results for non-existent words" )
      const auto matches = service.matches( "invalid" );
      REQUIRE( matches.empty() );