Sans Pareil Technologies, Inc.

Key To Your Business

Splay Tree

In this lab session we will implement a version of a Splay Tree using the same Node structure used in our implementation of Binary Search Tree. One difference from a classic Splay Tree is that when an existing node is found in the tree, we do not splay the node all the way to the root, but only splay it once. This will ensure that the tree preserves a most frequently used model rather than a most recently used model.
The main splay tree definition file. As with binary search tree, we will move all implementation code into private include files.
#pragma once

#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>

namespace csc280
  template <typename Data, typename Comparator = std::less<Data>>
  class SplayTree
    struct Node;

#include "private/STIterator.h"

    using iterator = STIterator<Data,Comparator>;
    using const_iterator = STIterator<Data const,Comparator>;

    SplayTree() = default;

    const Data& root();
    const Data& root() const
      return const_cast<SplayTree*>( this )->root();

    bool empty() const noexcept { return !rootNode; }
    bool empty() noexcept { return !rootNode; }

    bool exists( const Data& data ) noexcept
      return exists( data, rootNode.get() );

    bool exists( const Data& data ) const noexcept
      return const_cast<SplayTree*>( this )->exists( data );

    iterator find( const Data& data ) noexcept
      return find( data, rootNode.get() );

    const_iterator find( const Data& data ) const noexcept
      auto iter = const_cast<SplayTree*>( this )->find( data );
      return const_iterator{ iter.node };

    std::size_t size() const noexcept { return count; }
    std::size_t size() noexcept { return count; }

    auto emplace( Data&& data ) noexcept -> iterator;

    auto remove( const Data& data ) -> iterator { return remove( data, rootNode.get() ); }

    iterator begin() noexcept { return iterator{ rootNode.get(), rootNode.get(), count }; };
    const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return const_iterator{ rootNode.get(), rootNode.get(), count }; };

    iterator end() noexcept { return iterator{ nullptr }; }
    const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return const_iterator{ nullptr }; }

#include "private/Node.h"

    bool exists( const Data& data, const Node* node ) noexcept;
    auto find( const Data& data, Node* node ) noexcept -> iterator;
    auto emplace( Node* parent, typename Node::Ptr node ) noexcept -> iterator;
    auto remove( const Data& data, Node* node ) -> iterator;

    void rotateLeft( Node* node );
    void rotateRight( Node* node );
    void splay( Node* node );

    Comparator comparator;
    typename Node::Ptr rootNode;
    std::size_t count = 0;

#include "private/STImpl.h"
The iterator for a splay tree. Note that the iterator implements a Breadth-First or Level traversal order.
template <typename T, typename C>
struct STIterator : std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, T>
  STIterator() = delete;
  STIterator( const STIterator& ) = default;

  STIterator& operator++()
    if ( nodes->size() - 1 > position ) node = nodes->at( ++position );
    else node = nullptr;
    return *this;
  STIterator& operator--()
    if ( position ) node = nodes->at( --position );
    else node = nullptr;
    return *this;

  bool operator==( const STIterator& rhs ) { return node == rhs.node; }
  bool operator!=( const STIterator& rhs ) { return !operator==( rhs ); }

  T& operator*() { return node->data; }
  T* operator->() { return &( node->data ); }

  explicit STIterator( Node* node ) : node{ node } {}

  STIterator( Node* const root, Node* node, const std::size_t count ) : node{ node }, nodes{ std::make_shared<std::vector<Node*>>() }
    nodes->reserve( count );
    std::queue<Node*> queue;
    queue.push( root );

    while ( !queue.empty() )
      Node* n = queue.front();

      nodes->push_back( n );
      if ( n == node ) position = nodes->size() - 1;

      if ( n->left ) queue.push( n->left.get() );
      if ( n->right ) queue.push( n->right.get() );

  using Nodes = std::shared_ptr<std::vector<Node*>>;

  Node* node;
  Nodes nodes;
  std::size_t position = 0;

  friend class SplayTree<Data,Comparator>;
The include file that implements most of the functions for the splay tree.
template <typename Data, typename Comparator>
const Data& SplayTree<Data, Comparator>::root()
  if ( ! rootNode ) throw std::out_of_range( "Empty tree!" );
  return rootNode.get()->data;

template <typename Data, typename Comparator>
auto SplayTree<Data, Comparator>::emplace( Data&& data ) noexcept -> iterator
  auto node = std::make_unique<Node>( std::move( data ) );

  if ( ! rootNode )
    rootNode = std::move( node );
    return iterator{ rootNode.get(), rootNode.get(), count };

  return emplace( rootNode.get(), std::move( node ) );

template <typename Data, typename Comparator>
bool SplayTree<Data, Comparator>::exists( const Data& data, const Node* node ) noexcept
  if ( ! node ) return false;
  if ( node->data == data ) return true;

  return ( comparator( data, node->data ) ) ?
    exists( data, node->left.get() ) : exists( data, node->right.get() );

template <typename Data, typename Comparator>
auto SplayTree<Data, Comparator>::find( const Data& data, Node* node ) noexcept -> iterator
  if ( ! node ) return end();
  if ( node->data == data )
    splay( node );
    return iterator{ rootNode.get(), node, count };

  return ( comparator( data, node->data ) ) ?
    find( data, node->left.get() ) : find( data, node->right.get() );

template <typename Data, typename Comparator>
auto SplayTree<Data, Comparator>::emplace( Node* parent, typename Node::Ptr node ) noexcept -> iterator
  if ( parent->data == node->data )
    splay( parent );
    return iterator{ rootNode.get(), parent, count };

  node->parent = parent;

  Node* temp = node.get();

  if ( comparator( parent->data, node->data ) )
    if ( parent->right ) return emplace( parent->right.get(), std::move( node ) );
    parent->right = std::move( node );
    splay( parent->right.get() );
    if ( parent->left ) return emplace( parent->left.get(), std::move( node ) );
    parent->left = std::move( node );
    splay( parent->left.get() );

  return iterator{ rootNode.get(), temp, count };

template <typename Data, typename Comparator>
auto SplayTree<Data, Comparator>::remove( const Data& data, Node* node ) -> iterator
  if ( ! node ) return end();

  if ( node->data != data )
    return ( comparator( data, node->data ) ) ?
      remove( data, node->left.get() ) : remove( data, node->right.get() );

  Node* parent = node->parent;

  if ( node->left && node->right )
    Node* min = node->right.get();
    while ( min->left ) min = min->left.get();
    node->data = std::move( min->data );
    min->parent->left = nullptr;
  else if ( ! parent )
    if ( count == 1 ) rootNode = nullptr;
      rootNode = std::move( ( node->left ) ? node->left : node->right );
      rootNode->parent = nullptr;
  else if ( parent->left && parent->left.get() == node )
    parent->left = std::move( ( node->left ) ? node->left : node->right );
  else if ( parent->right && parent->right.get() == node )
    parent->right = std::move( ( node->left ) ? node->left : node->right );

  splay( parent );
  return ( parent ) ? iterator{ rootNode.get(), parent, count } : begin();

template <typename Data, typename Comparator>
void SplayTree<Data, Comparator>::rotateLeft( Node* node )
  if ( !node ) return;
  auto right = std::move( node->right );
  auto rightPtr = right.get();

  if ( right )
    node->right = std::move( right->left );
    if ( node->right ) node->right->parent = node;
    right->parent = node->parent;

  if ( node->parent )
    if ( node == node->parent->left.get() )
      auto temp = std::move( node->parent->left );
      if ( right ) right->left = std::move( temp );
      node->parent->left = std::move( right );
      auto temp = std::move( node->parent->right );
      if ( right ) right->left = std::move( temp );
      node->parent->right = std::move( right );
    right->left = std::move( rootNode );
    rootNode = std::move( right );

  node->parent = rightPtr;

template <typename Data, typename Comparator>
void SplayTree<Data, Comparator>::rotateRight( Node* node )
  if ( !node ) return;
  auto left = std::move( node->left );
  auto leftPtr = left.get();

  if ( left )
    node->left = std::move( left->right );
    if ( node->left ) node->left->parent = node;
    left->parent = node->parent;

  if ( node->parent )
    if ( node == node->parent->left.get()  )
      auto temp = std::move( node->parent->left );
      if ( left ) left->right = std::move( temp );
      node->parent->left = std::move( left );
      auto temp = std::move( node->parent->right );
      if ( left ) left->right = std::move( temp );
      node->parent->right = std::move( left );
    left->right = std::move( rootNode );
    rootNode = std::move( left );

  node->parent = leftPtr;

template <typename Data, typename Comparator>
void SplayTree<Data, Comparator>::splay( Node* node )
  if ( !node || node == rootNode.get() ) return;

  if ( !node->parent->parent )
    if ( node == node->parent->left.get() ) rotateRight( node->parent );
    else rotateLeft( node->parent );
  else if ( node == node->parent->left.get() && 
    node->parent->parent->left.get() == node->parent )
    rotateRight( node->parent->parent );
    rotateRight( node->parent );
  else if ( node == node->parent->right.get() && 
    node->parent->parent->right.get() == node->parent )
    rotateLeft( node->parent->parent );
    rotateLeft( node->parent );
  else if ( node == node->parent->left.get() &&
    node->parent->parent->right.get() == node->parent )
    rotateRight( node->parent );
    rotateLeft( node->parent );
    rotateLeft( node->parent );
    rotateRight( node->parent );
A simple test suite for the splay tree.
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "../main/SplayTree.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_set>

SCENARIO( "Splay tree can be used to order words by frequency" )
  GIVEN( "A splay tree of strings" )
    csc280::SplayTree<std::string> stree;

    WHEN( "A words with known occurrance frequency are added" )
      stree.emplace( "used" );
      stree.emplace( "most" );
      stree.emplace( "words" );
      stree.emplace( "most" );
      stree.emplace( "used" );
      stree.emplace( "most" );
      stree.emplace( "used" );
      stree.emplace( "most" );

      THEN( "Root node contains most common word" )
        REQUIRE( "most" == stree.root() );

      AND_THEN( "Iteration over tree works" )
        for ( auto iter = stree.cbegin(); iter != stree.cend(); ++iter ) {}
        for ( const auto& word : stree ) {}

      AND_THEN( "Tree size does not include duplicates" )
        REQUIRE( 3 == stree.size() );

      AND_THEN( "Invalid words are not found in tree" )
        REQUIRE_FALSE( stree.exists( "something" ) );
        auto iter = stree.find( "something" );
        REQUIRE( iter == stree.end() );

SCENARIO( "Splay tree can be used to quickly retrieve most frequently occurring words from input text" )
  GIVEN( "Some standard text from which the most frequent words are to be extracted" )
    std::string text = R"(
      A splay tree is a self - adjusting binary search tree with the additional property that recently accessed elements are quick to access again.It performs basic operations such as insertion, look - up and removal in O( log n ) amortized time.For many sequences of non - random operations, splay trees perform better than other search trees, even when the specific pattern of the sequence is unknown.The splay tree was invented by Daniel Sleator and Robert Tarjan in 1985.

      All normal operations on a binary search tree are combined with one basic operation, called splaying.Splaying the tree for a certain element rearranges the tree so that the element is placed at the root of the tree.One way to do this is to first perform a standard binary tree search for the element in question, and then use tree rotations in a specific fashion to bring the element to the top.Alternatively, a top - down algorithm can combine the search and the tree reorganization into a single phase.

      Good performance for a splay tree depends on the fact that it is self-optimizing, in that frequently accessed nodes will move nearer to the root where they can be accessed more quickly. The worst-case height—though unlikely—is O(n), with the average being O(log n). Having frequently used nodes near the root is an advantage for many practical applications (also see Locality of reference), and is particularly useful for implementing caches and garbage collection algorithms.
    std::transform( text.begin(), text.end(), text.begin(), ::tolower );

    csc280::SplayTree<std::string> stree;

    std::string word;
    for ( std::stringstream ss{ text }; ss >> word; )
      stree.emplace( std::move( word ) );

    THEN( "Root node contains the most frequent word" )
      REQUIRE( "the" == stree.root() );

    AND_THEN( "Finding data in root node leave root node unaffected" )
      stree.find( "the" );
      REQUIRE( "the" == stree.root() );

    AND_THEN( "Most frequently recurring words are near top of tree" )
      std::unordered_set<std::string> words;
      auto iter = stree.cbegin();
      for ( auto i = 0; i < 7; ++i )
        words.insert( *iter );
        std::advance( iter, 1 );

      auto found = words.find( "the" );
      REQUIRE( found != words.cend() );
      found = words.find( "tree" );
      REQUIRE( found != words.cend() );
      found = words.find( "a" );
      REQUIRE( found != words.cend() );

    AND_THEN( "Reading second entry in tree moves it to the root" )
      auto iter = stree.cbegin();
      std::advance( iter, 1 );
      stree.find( *iter );
      REQUIRE( stree.root() == *iter );