Lab 1 - Binary Search Tree
In this exercise we will implement a binary search tree (unbalanced) usingstd::unique_ptr
to manage dynamically allocated node instances stored in the tree.Node
We will use a Node structure that will store the data for the tree element, as well as
instances to the left and right nodes in the tree. We will also store a raw pointer to the parent node to enable tree traversal.Iterators
We will use a BaseIterator class that inherits from std::iterator and will be aliased to
and const_iterator
as appropriate for the binary search tree. Since we have a previous link, this iterator will be bi-directional. using iterator = BaseIterator<Data,Comparator>;
using const_iterator = BaseIterator<Data const,Comparator>;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
- Create a new empty Visual Studio C++ project named bstree
- Right-click the bstree solution on the left navigation pane and choose Properties
- Expand the Linker node and select the System item
- Select “
” from the SubSystem drop-down menu. This will allow us to view the results of running the application in the DOS Command window. - Expand the C/C++ node and select the Preprocessor item
- Chose Edit on the Preprocessor Definitions item on the right pane.
- Enter
in the top box of the dialog window. Microsoft provides checked versions ofstd::equal
algorithm, which however are Microsoft extensions and not available on other platforms/compilers. This will disable the error that the compiler would otherwise generate.
- Download the Catch unit testing framework header file and add to the project Header Files section.
- Add a C++ Source file named main which will be the main driver for the unit test program. Note that we will continue using the catch and standard
files in all the projects for the course.
#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN#include "catch.hpp"
Declaration of the binary search tree (unbalanced) implementation.
#pragma once #include <memory> #include <functional> #include <stdexcept> namespace csc280 { template <typename Data, typename Comparator = std::less<Data>> class BinarySearchTree { struct Node; public: #include "private/BSTIterator.hpp" using iterator = BaseIterator<Data,Comparator>; using const_iterator = BaseIterator<Data const,Comparator>; using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>; using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>; BinarySearchTree() = default; template <typename Iterator> BinarySearchTree( Iterator first, Iterator last ) { assign( first, last ); } BinarySearchTree( const std::initializer_list<Data>& list ) : BinarySearchTree( list.begin(), list.end() ) {} const Data& root(); const Data& root() const { return const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->root(); } const Data& leftMost(); const Data& leftMost() const { return const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->leftMost(); } const Data& rightMost(); const Data& rightMost() const { return const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->rightMost(); } bool empty() const noexcept { return !rootNode; } bool empty() noexcept { return !rootNode; } bool exists( const Data& data ) noexcept { return exists( data, rootNode.get() ); } bool exists( const Data& data ) const noexcept { return const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->exists( data ); } std::size_t size() const noexcept { return count; } std::size_t size() noexcept { return count; } template<typename InputIterator> void assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ); void assign( const std::initializer_list<Data>& list ) { assign( list.begin(), list.end() ); } iterator find( const Data& data ) noexcept { return find( data, rootNode.get() ); } const_iterator find( const Data& data ) const noexcept { auto iter = const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->find( data ); return const_iterator{ iter.node }; } iterator emplace( Data&& data ) noexcept; iterator remove( const Data& data ) { return remove( data, rootNode.get() ); } void clear(); template <typename Visitor> void visitInorder( const Visitor& visitor ) const noexcept { visitInorder( rootNode.get(), visitor ); } template <typename Visitor> void visitPreorder( const Visitor& visitor ) const noexcept { visitPreorder( rootNode.get(), visitor ); } template <typename Visitor> void visitPostorder( const Visitor& visitor ) const noexcept { visitPostorder( rootNode.get(), visitor ); } iterator begin() noexcept; const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept; iterator end() noexcept { return iterator{ nullptr }; } const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return const_iterator{ nullptr }; } reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept; const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept; reverse_iterator rend() noexcept { return std::make_reverse_iterator( begin() ); } const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept { return std::make_reverse_iterator( cbegin() ); } private: #include "private/Node.h" bool exists( const Data& data, const Node* node ) noexcept; iterator find( const Data& data, Node* node ) noexcept; iterator emplace( Node* parent, typename Node::Ptr node ) noexcept; iterator remove( const Data& data, Node* node ); template <typename Visitor> void visitInorder( const Node* node, const Visitor& visitor ) const noexcept; template <typename Visitor> void visitPreorder( const Node* node, const Visitor& visitor ) const noexcept; template <typename Visitor> void visitPostorder( const Node* node, const Visitor& visitor ) const noexcept; Comparator comparator{}; typename Node::Ptr rootNode; mutable typename Node::Ptr sentinel = std::make_unique<Node>( Data{} ); Node* first = nullptr; Node* last = nullptr; std::size_t count = 0; }; #include "private/BSTImpl.h" }
The iterator for the binary search tree that has been extracted into a separate include file to make reading the public interface for the binary search tree easier.
template <typename T, typename C> struct BaseIterator : std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, T> { BaseIterator() = delete; BaseIterator( const BaseIterator& ) = default; BaseIterator& operator++() { if ( node->right ) { if ( node->right->left ) node = nextLeft( node->right.get() ); else node = node->right.get(); } else if ( node->parent ) { node = nextParent( node ); } else node = nullptr; return *this; } BaseIterator operator++( int ) { BaseIterator temp{ node }; operator++(); return temp; } BaseIterator& operator--() { if ( !node ) return *this; if ( node->left ) { if ( node->left->right ) node = previousRight( node->left.get() ); else node = node->left.get(); } else node = node->parent; return *this; } BaseIterator operator--( int ) { BaseIterator temp{ node }; operator--(); return temp; } bool operator==( const BaseIterator& rhs ) { return node == rhs.node; } bool operator!=( const BaseIterator& rhs ) { return !operator==( rhs ); } T& operator*() { return node->data; } T* operator->() { return &( node->data ); } private: bool visited( Node* current ) { return ( node == current ) || comparator( node->data, current->data ); } Node* nextLeft( Node* current ) { if ( !current ) return current; Node* temp = current; while ( temp->left && comparator( node->data, temp->left->data ) ) { temp = temp->left.get(); } return temp; } Node* nextParent( Node* current ) { if ( !current ) return current; Node* temp = current->parent; while ( temp && comparator( temp->data, node->data ) ) { temp = temp->parent; } return temp; } Node* previousRight( Node* current ) { if ( !current ) return current; Node* temp = current; while ( temp->right && comparator( temp->right->data, node->data ) ) { temp = temp->right.get(); } return temp; } explicit BaseIterator( Node* node ) : node{ node } {} Node* node; C comparator; friend class BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>; };
The node structure that is used to implement the tree datastructure.
struct Node { using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<Node>; explicit Node( Data&& data ) : data{ std::move( data ) }, left{}, right{} {} Node( const Node& ) = delete; Node& operator=( const Node& ) = delete; Data data; Ptr left; Ptr right; Node* parent = nullptr; };
The include file in which the more complex functions for the binary search tree are implemented.
template <typename Data, typename Comparator> bool operator==( const BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>& lhs, const BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>& rhs ) { return ( lhs.size() == rhs.size() ) && std::equal( lhs.cbegin(), lhs.cend(), rhs.cbegin() ); } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> bool operator!=( const BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>& lhs, const BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>& rhs ) { return !( lhs == rhs ); } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> const Data& BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::root() { if ( ! rootNode ) throw std::out_of_range( "Empty tree!" ); return rootNode.get()->data; } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> const Data& BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::leftMost() { if ( ! rootNode ) throw std::out_of_range( "Empty tree!" ); if ( first ) return first->data; first = rootNode.get(); while ( first->left ) first = first->left.get(); return first->data; } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> const Data& BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::rightMost() { if ( ! rootNode ) throw std::out_of_range( "Empty tree!" ); if ( last ) return last->data; last = rootNode.get(); while ( last->right ) last = last->right.get(); return last->data; } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> template<typename InputIterator> void BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ) { clear(); for ( ; first != last; ++first ) { auto data = Data{ *first }; emplace( std::move( data ) ); } } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> bool BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::exists( const Data& data, const Node* node ) noexcept { if ( ! node ) return false; if ( node->data == data ) return true; return ( comparator( data, node->data ) ) ? exists( data, node->left.get() ) : exists( data, node->right.get() ); } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::find( const Data& data, Node* node ) noexcept -> iterator { if ( ! node ) return end(); if ( node->data == data ) return iterator{ node }; return ( comparator( data, node->data ) ) ? find( data, node->left.get() ) : find( data, node->right.get() ); } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::emplace( Data&& data ) noexcept -> iterator { auto node = std::make_unique<Node>( std::move( data ) ); if ( ! rootNode ) { rootNode = std::move( node ); first = rootNode.get(); last = rootNode.get(); ++count; return iterator{ first }; } return emplace( rootNode.get(), std::move( node ) ); } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::emplace( Node* parent, typename Node::Ptr node ) noexcept -> iterator { if ( parent->data == node->data ) return iterator{ parent }; node->parent = parent; if ( comparator( parent->data, node->data ) ) { if ( parent->right ) return emplace( parent->right.get(), std::move( node ) ); if ( last && comparator( last->data, node->data ) ) last = node.get(); parent->right = std::move( node ); } else { if ( parent->left ) return emplace( parent->left.get(), std::move( node ) ); if ( first && comparator( node->data, first->data ) ) first = node.get(); parent->left = std::move( node ); } ++count; return iterator{ parent }; } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::remove( const Data& data, Node* node ) -> iterator { if ( ! node ) return end(); if ( node->data != data ) { return ( comparator( data, node->data ) ) ? remove( data, node->left.get() ) : remove( data, node->right.get() ); } if ( first == node ) first = nullptr; if ( last == node ) last = nullptr; Node* parent = node->parent; if ( node->left && node->right ) { Node* min = node->right.get(); while ( min->left ) min = min->left.get(); node->data = std::move( min->data ); min->parent->left = nullptr; } else if ( ! parent ) { if ( count == 1 ) rootNode = nullptr; else { rootNode = std::move( ( node->left ) ? node->left : node->right ); rootNode->parent = nullptr; } } else if ( parent->left && parent->left.get() == node ) { parent->left = std::move( ( node->left ) ? node->left : node->right ); } else if ( parent->right && parent->right.get() == node ) { parent->right = std::move( ( node->left ) ? node->left : node->right ); } --count; return ( parent ) ? iterator{ parent } : begin(); } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> void BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::clear() { rootNode = nullptr; first = last = nullptr; count = 0; } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::begin() noexcept -> iterator { if ( rootNode && !first ) leftMost(); return iterator{ first }; } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::cbegin() const noexcept -> const_iterator { if ( rootNode && !first ) const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->leftMost(); return const_iterator{ first }; } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::rbegin() noexcept -> reverse_iterator { if ( rootNode && !last ) rightMost(); sentinel->parent = last; return std::make_reverse_iterator( iterator{ sentinel.get() } ); } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::crbegin() const noexcept -> const_reverse_iterator { if ( rootNode && !last ) const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this ) ->rightMost(); sentinel->parent = last; return std::make_reverse_iterator( const_iterator{ sentinel.get() } ); } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> template <typename Visitor> void BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::visitInorder( const Node* node, const Visitor& visitor ) const noexcept { if ( ! node ) return; visitInorder( node->left.get(), visitor ); visitor( node->data ); visitInorder( node->right.get(), visitor ); } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> template <typename Visitor> void BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::visitPreorder( const Node* node, const Visitor& visitor ) const noexcept { if ( ! node ) return; visitor( node->data ); visitPreorder( node->left.get(), visitor ); visitPreorder( node->right.get(), visitor ); } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> template <typename Visitor> void BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::visitPostorder( const Node* node, const Visitor& visitor ) const noexcept { if ( ! node ) return; visitPostorder( node->left.get(), visitor ); visitPostorder( node->right.get(), visitor ); visitor( node->data ); }
Unit test suite for the binary search tree implementation using simple data types
#include "catch.hpp" #include "../main/BinarySearchTree.h" #include <iostream> #include <array> namespace csc280 { namespace internal { template <typename Data, typename Comparator> void iterate( BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>& bst ) { for ( auto& value : bst ) {} for ( auto iter = bst.cbegin(); iter != bst.cend(); std::advance( iter, 1 ) ) { if ( iter != bst.cbegin() ) { std::advance( iter, -1 ); std::advance( iter, 1 ); } } auto cbegin = bst.crbegin(); auto cend = bst.crend(); for ( auto iter = bst.crbegin(); iter != bst.crend(); ++iter ) { *iter; } } template <typename Data> struct StringVisitor { void operator()( const Data& value ) const { ss << value << ","; } mutable std::stringstream ss; }; template <typename Data> struct VectorVisitor { void operator()( const Data& value ) const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Value: " << value; vector.emplace_back( ss.str() ); } mutable std::vector<std::string> vector; }; template <typename Data, typename Comparator> void testExists( const BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>& bst, const Data& value ) { REQUIRE( bst.exists( value ) ); iterate( const_cast<BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>&>( bst ) ); } template <typename Comparator> void testUint8( BinarySearchTree<uint8_t,Comparator>& bst ) { REQUIRE( bst.empty() ); REQUIRE_THROWS( bst.root() ); iterate<uint8_t,Comparator>( bst ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 5 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 5 ) == bst.end() ); auto iter = bst.emplace( 5 ); testExists<uint8_t,Comparator>( bst, 5 ); REQUIRE( 5 == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( 1 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( 5 == *iter ); REQUIRE( 5 == *( bst.find( 5 ) ) ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); iter = bst.emplace( 5 ); REQUIRE( 1 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 3 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 3 ) == bst.end() ); iter = bst.emplace( 3 ); testExists<uint8_t,Comparator>( bst, 3 ); REQUIRE( 2 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( 5 == *iter ); REQUIRE( 3 == *( bst.find( 3 ) ) ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); iter = bst.emplace( 3 ); REQUIRE( 2 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 8 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 8 ) == bst.end() ); iter = bst.emplace( 8 ); testExists<uint8_t,Comparator>( bst, 8 ); REQUIRE( 3 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( 5 == *iter ); REQUIRE( 8 == *( bst.find( 8 ) ) ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); iter = bst.emplace( 8 ); REQUIRE( 3 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 1 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 1 ) == bst.end() ); iter = bst.remove( 1 ); REQUIRE( 3 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( iter == bst.end() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); iter = bst.remove( 3 ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 3 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 3 ) == bst.end() ); REQUIRE( 2 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( iter != bst.end() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); iter = bst.remove( 8 ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 8 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 8 ) == bst.end() ); REQUIRE( 1 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( iter != bst.end() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 1 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 1 ) == bst.end() ); bst.emplace( 1 ); testExists<uint8_t,Comparator>( bst, 1 ); REQUIRE( 2 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( 1 == *( bst.find( 1 ) ) ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); bst.remove( 5 ); REQUIRE( 1 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); bst.remove( 1 ); REQUIRE( bst.empty() ); REQUIRE( 0 == bst.size() ); } } } SCENARIO( "Binary search tree works with simple types" ) { GIVEN( "A BST that orders uint8_t in ascending order" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<uint8_t> bst; csc280::internal::testUint8( bst ); } GIVEN( "A BST that orders uint8_t in descending order" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<uint8_t, std::greater<uint8_t>> bst; csc280::internal::testUint8( bst ); } } SCENARIO( "Binary tree works with initialiser lists" ) { GIVEN( "A BST of strings in ascending order" ) { WHEN( "Constructed using initialiser list" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<std::string> bst{ "c", "f", "a", "e", "d", "b" }; REQUIRE( 6 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( "c" == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( "a" == bst.leftMost() ); REQUIRE( "f" == bst.rightMost() ); uint8_t c = 97; for ( const auto& value : bst ) { REQUIRE( value[0] == c++ ); } } AND_WHEN( "Constructed using different order" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<std::string> bst{ "c", "f", "b", "e", "d", "a" }; REQUIRE( 6 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( "c" == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( "a" == bst.leftMost() ); REQUIRE( "f" == bst.rightMost() ); uint8_t c = 97; for ( const auto& value : bst ) { REQUIRE( value[0] == c++ ); } } } GIVEN( "A BST of strings in descending order" ) { WHEN( "Constructed using initialiser list" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<std::string,std::greater<std::string>> bst{ "c", "f", "a", "e", "b", "d" }; REQUIRE( 6 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( "c" == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( "f" == bst.leftMost() ); REQUIRE( "a" == bst.rightMost() ); uint8_t c = 102; for ( const auto& value : bst ) { REQUIRE( value[0] == c-- ); } } AND_WHEN( "Constructed using different order" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<std::string,std::greater<std::string>> bst{ "c", "f", "a", "e", "d", "b" }; REQUIRE( 6 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( "c" == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( "f" == bst.leftMost() ); REQUIRE( "a" == bst.rightMost() ); uint8_t c = 102; for ( const auto& value : bst ) { REQUIRE( value[0] == c-- ); } } } } SCENARIO( "Binary tree works with input iterators" ) { std::array<uint8_t, 9> array{ 27, 20, 62, 15, 25, 40, 71, 16, 21 }; GIVEN( "A BST of integers in ascending order" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<uint8_t> bst{ std::begin( array ), std::end( array ) }; WHEN( "Constructed using input iterators" ) { REQUIRE( bst.size() == array.size() ); auto iter = bst.cbegin(); REQUIRE( 15 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 16 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 20 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 21 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 25 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 27 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 40 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 62 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 71 == *(iter++) ); } } GIVEN( "A BST of integers in descending order" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<uint8_t,std::greater<uint8_t>> bst{ std::begin( array ), std::end( array ) }; WHEN( "Constructed using input iterators" ) { REQUIRE( bst.size() == array.size() ); auto iter = bst.cbegin(); REQUIRE( 71 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 62 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 40 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 27 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 25 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 21 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 20 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 16 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 15 == *( iter++ ) ); } } } SCENARIO( "const qualified functions work" ) { GIVEN( "A const BST of strings" ) { const csc280::BinarySearchTree<std::string> bst{ "c", "f", "a", "e", "b", "d" }; REQUIRE( 6 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( "c" == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( "a" == bst.leftMost() ); REQUIRE( "f" == bst.rightMost() ); REQUIRE( bst.exists( "d" ) ); REQUIRE( "d" == *( bst.find( "d" ) ) ); auto rhs = csc280::BinarySearchTree<std::string>{ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" }; REQUIRE( bst == rhs ); } } SCENARIO( "Visit nodes in tree" ) { GIVEN( "A BST of strings visited in natural order" ) { const csc280::BinarySearchTree<std::string> bst{ "c", "f", "a", "e", "b", "d" }; WHEN( "Printing nodes using visitor lambda" ) { bst.visitInorder( [] ( const std::string& value ) { std::cout << value << std::endl; } ); } AND_WHEN( "Printing nodes with additional information using functor" ) { struct Printer { void operator()( const std::string& value ) const { std::cout << "Node: " << value << std::endl; } }; bst.visitInorder( Printer{} ); } } GIVEN( "A BST of integers" ) { const csc280::BinarySearchTree<std::string> bst{ "4", "1", "3", "5", "2" }; WHEN( "Visited in-order" ) { csc280::internal::StringVisitor<std::string> visitor; bst.visitInorder( visitor ); REQUIRE( "1,2,3,4,5," == ); } AND_WHEN( "Visited pre-order" ) { csc280::internal::StringVisitor<std::string> visitor; bst.visitPreorder( visitor ); REQUIRE( "4,1,3,2,5," == ); } AND_WHEN( "Visited post-order" ) { csc280::internal::StringVisitor<std::string> visitor; bst.visitPostorder( visitor ); REQUIRE( "2,3,1,5,4," == ); } } GIVEN( "A BST of strings from exam3" ) { const csc280::BinarySearchTree<uint16_t> bst{ 7, 4, 12, 2, 6, 3, 5, 9, 19, 8, 11, 15, 20 }; WHEN( "Visited pre-order" ) { csc280::internal::StringVisitor<uint16_t> visitor; bst.visitPreorder( visitor ); const std::string result =; REQUIRE( "7,4,2,3,6,5,12,9,8,11,19,15,20," == ); } AND_WHEN( "Visited post-order" ) { csc280::internal::VectorVisitor<uint16_t> visitor; bst.visitPostorder( visitor ); const std::vector<std::string> results{ "Value: 3", "Value: 2", "Value: 5", "Value: 6", "Value: 4", "Value: 8", "Value: 11", "Value: 9", "Value: 15", "Value: 20", "Value: 19", "Value: 12", "Value: 7" }; REQUIRE( results == visitor.vector ); } } }
Unit test suite for the binary search tree using a complex data type with custom comparator functors.
#include "catch.hpp" #include "../main/BinarySearchTree.h" #include <iostream> #include <array> namespace csc280 { namespace internal { struct Person { std::string firstName; std::string lastName; std::string email; uint32_t id; }; bool operator==( const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs ) { return lhs.firstName == rhs.firstName && lhs.lastName == rhs.lastName && == && ==; } struct FirstNameVisitor { void operator()( const Person& value ) const { vector.emplace_back( value.firstName ); } mutable std::vector<std::string> vector; }; struct LastNameVisitor { void operator()( const Person& value ) const { vector.emplace_back( value.lastName ); } mutable std::vector<std::string> vector; }; struct IdVisitor { void operator()( const Person& value ) const { vector.emplace_back( ); } mutable std::vector<uint32_t> vector; }; struct sortByFirstName { bool operator()( const Person& lhs, const Person &rhs ) const { return lhs.firstName < rhs.firstName; } }; struct sortByLastName { bool operator()( const Person& lhs, const Person &rhs ) const { return lhs.lastName < rhs.lastName; } }; struct sortById { bool operator()( const Person& lhs, const Person &rhs ) const { return <; } }; } } SCENARIO( "Binary search tree works with complex types" ) { GIVEN( "A BST that orders Person instances by first name" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<csc280::internal::Person, csc280::internal::sortByFirstName> bst; bst.emplace( {"D", "Last Name", "", 1} ); bst.emplace( {"A", "Last Name", "", 1} ); bst.emplace( {"C", "Last Name", "", 1} ); bst.emplace( {"Z", "Last Name", "", 1} ); WHEN( "Visited in order" ) { csc280::internal::FirstNameVisitor visitor; bst.visitInorder( visitor ); const std::vector<std::string> expected = { "A", "C", "D", "Z" }; REQUIRE( expected == visitor.vector ); } } GIVEN( "A BST that orders Person instances by last name" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<csc280::internal::Person, csc280::internal::sortByLastName> bst; bst.emplace( {"First Name", "A", "", 1} ); bst.emplace( {"First Name", "D", "", 1} ); bst.emplace( {"First Name", "Z", "", 1} ); bst.emplace( {"First Name", "C", "", 1} ); WHEN( "Visited in order" ) { csc280::internal::LastNameVisitor visitor; bst.visitInorder( visitor ); const std::vector<std::string> expected = { "A", "C", "D", "Z" }; REQUIRE( expected == visitor.vector ); } } GIVEN( "A BST that orders Person instances by id" ) { csc280::BinarySearchTree<csc280::internal::Person, csc280::internal::sortById> bst; bst.emplace( {"First Name", "Last Name", "", 10} ); bst.emplace( {"First Name", "Last Name", "", 5} ); bst.emplace( {"First Name", "Last Name", "", 7} ); bst.emplace( {"First Name", "Last Name", "", 115} ); WHEN( "Visited in order" ) { csc280::internal::IdVisitor visitor; bst.visitInorder( visitor ); const std::vector<uint32_t> expected = { 5, 7, 10, 115 }; REQUIRE( expected == visitor.vector ); } } }