Lab 13 - Binary Search Tree
In this exercise we will implement a binary search tree (unbalanced) usingstd::unique_ptr
to manage dynamically allocated node instances stored in the tree.Node
We will use a Node structure that will store the data for the tree element, as well as
instances to the left and right nodes in the tree. We will also store a raw pointer to the parent node to enable tree traversal.Iterators
We will use a BaseIterator class that inherits from std::iterator and will be aliases to
and const_iterator
as appropriate for the linked list. Since we have a previous
link, this iterator will be bi-directional.using iterator = BaseIterator<Data>;
using const_iterator = BaseIterator<Data const>;
Declaration of the binary search tree (unbalanced) implementation.
#pragma once #include <memory> #include <functional> #include <stdexcept> namespace csc240 { template <typename Data, typename Comparator = std::less<Data>> class BinarySearchTree { struct Node; public: #include "BSTIterator.hpp" using iterator = BaseIterator<Data,Comparator>; using const_iterator = BaseIterator<Data const,Comparator>; using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>; using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>; BinarySearchTree() = default; template <typename Iterator> BinarySearchTree( Iterator first, Iterator last ) { assign( first, last ); } BinarySearchTree( const std::initializer_list<Data>& list ) : BinarySearchTree( list.begin(), list.end() ) {} const Data& root(); const Data& root() const { return const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->root(); } const Data& leftMost(); const Data& leftMost() const { return const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->leftMost(); } const Data& rightMost(); const Data& rightMost() const { return const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->rightMost(); } bool empty() const noexcept { return !rootNode; } bool empty() noexcept { return !rootNode; } bool exists( const Data& data ) noexcept { return exists( data, rootNode.get() ); } bool exists( const Data& data ) const noexcept { return const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->exists( data ); } std::size_t size() const noexcept { return count; } std::size_t size() noexcept { return count; } template<typename InputIterator> void assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ); void assign( const std::initializer_list<Data>& list ) { assign( list.begin(), list.end() ); } iterator find( const Data& data ) noexcept { return find( data, rootNode.get() ); } const_iterator find( const Data& data ) const noexcept { auto iter = const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->find( data ); return const_iterator{ iter.node }; } iterator emplace( Data&& data ); iterator remove( const Data& data ) { return remove( data, rootNode.get() ); } void clear(); iterator begin() noexcept; const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept; iterator end() noexcept { return iterator{ nullptr }; } const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return const_iterator{ nullptr }; } reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept; const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept; reverse_iterator rend() noexcept { return std::make_reverse_iterator( begin() ); } const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept { return std::make_reverse_iterator( cbegin() ); } private: struct Node { using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<Node>; explicit Node( Data&& data ) : data{ std::move( data ) }, left{}, right{} {} Node( const Node& ) = delete; Node& operator=( const Node& ) = delete; Data data; Ptr left; Ptr right; Node* parent = nullptr; }; bool exists( const Data& data, const Node* node ) noexcept; iterator find( const Data& data, Node* node ) noexcept; iterator remove( const Data& data, Node* node ); Comparator comparator{}; typename Node::Ptr rootNode; mutable typename Node::Ptr sentinel = std::make_unique<Node>( Data{} ); Node* first = nullptr; Node* last = nullptr; std::size_t count = 0; }; template <typename Data, typename Comparator> bool operator==( const BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>& lhs, const BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>& rhs ) { return ( lhs.size() == rhs.size() ) && std::equal( lhs.cbegin(), lhs.cend(), rhs.cbegin() ); } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> bool operator!=( const BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>& lhs, const BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>& rhs ) { return !( lhs == rhs ); } #include "private/BSTImpl.h" }
The iterator for the binary search tree that has been extracted into a separate include file to make reading the public interface for the binary search tree easier.
template <typename T, typename C> struct BaseIterator : std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, T> { BaseIterator() = delete; BaseIterator( const BaseIterator& ) = default; BaseIterator& operator++() { if ( node->right ) { if ( node->right->left ) node = nextLeft( node->right.get() ); else node = node->right.get(); } else if ( node->parent ) { node = nextParent( node ); } else node = nullptr; return *this; } BaseIterator operator++( int ) { BaseIterator temp{ node }; operator++(); return temp; } BaseIterator& operator--() { if ( !node ) return *this; if ( node->left ) { if ( node->left->right ) node = previousRight( node->left.get() ); else node = node->left.get(); } else node = node->parent; return *this; } BaseIterator operator--( int ) { BaseIterator temp{ node }; operator--(); return temp; } bool operator==( const BaseIterator& rhs ) { return node == rhs.node; } bool operator!=( const BaseIterator& rhs ) { return !operator==( rhs ); } T& operator*() { return node->data; } T* operator->() { return &( node->data ); } private: bool visited( Node* current ) { return ( node == current ) || comparator( node->data, current->data ); } Node* nextLeft( Node* current ) { if ( !current ) return current; Node* temp = current; while ( temp->left && comparator( node->data, temp->left->data ) ) { temp = temp->left.get(); } return temp; } Node* nextParent( Node* current ) { if ( !current ) return current; Node* temp = current->parent; while ( temp && comparator( temp->data, node->data ) ) { temp = temp->parent; } return temp; } Node* previousRight( Node* current ) { if ( !current ) return current; Node* temp = current; while ( temp->right && comparator( temp->right->data, node->data ) ) { temp = temp->right.get(); } return temp; } explicit BaseIterator( Node* node ) : node{ node } {} Node* node; C comparator; friend class BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>; };
The include file in which the more complex functions for the binary search tree are implemented.
template <typename Data, typename Comparator> const Data& BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::root() { if ( ! rootNode ) throw std::out_of_range( "Empty tree!" ); return rootNode.get()->data; } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> const Data& BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::leftMost() { if ( ! rootNode ) throw std::out_of_range( "Empty tree!" ); if ( first ) return first->data; first = rootNode.get(); while ( first->left ) first = first->left.get(); return first->data; } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> const Data& BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::rightMost() { if ( ! rootNode ) throw std::out_of_range( "Empty tree!" ); if ( last ) return last->data; last = rootNode.get(); while ( last->right ) last = last->right.get(); return last->data; } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> template<typename InputIterator> void BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ) { clear(); for ( ; first != last; ++first ) { auto data = Data{ *first }; emplace( std::move( data ) ); } } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> bool BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::exists( const Data& data, const Node* node ) noexcept { if ( ! node ) return false; if ( node->data == data ) return true; return ( comparator( data, node->data ) ) ? exists( data, node->left.get() ) : exists( data, node->right.get() ); } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::find( const Data& data, Node* node ) noexcept -> iterator { if ( ! node ) return end(); if ( node->data == data ) return iterator{ node }; return ( comparator( data, node->data ) ) ? find( data, node->left.get() ) : find( data, node->right.get() ); } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::emplace( Data&& data ) -> iterator { auto node = std::make_unique<Node>( std::move( data ) ); if ( ! rootNode ) { rootNode = std::move( node ); first = rootNode.get(); last = rootNode.get(); ++count; return iterator{ first }; } Node* current = rootNode.get(); Node* parent = current; if ( current->data == node->data ) return iterator{ parent }; while ( current ) { parent = current; current = ( comparator( current->data, node->data ) ) ? current->right.get() : current->left.get(); } node->parent = parent; if ( comparator( parent->data, node->data ) ) { if ( last && comparator( last->data, node->data ) ) last = node.get(); parent->right = std::move( node ); } else { if ( first && comparator( node->data, first->data ) ) first = node.get(); parent->left = std::move( node ); } ++count; return iterator{ parent }; } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::remove( const Data& data, Node* node ) -> iterator { if ( ! node ) return end(); if ( node->data == data ) { if ( first == node ) first = nullptr; if ( last == node ) last = nullptr; if ( node->parent ) { if ( node->parent->left.get() == node ) { node->parent->left = nullptr; } else { node->parent->right = nullptr; } } else { rootNode = nullptr; count = 1; } --count; return ( node->parent ) ? iterator{ node->parent } : begin(); } return ( comparator( data, node->data ) ) ? remove( data, node->left.get() ) : remove( data, node->right.get() ); } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> void BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>::clear() { rootNode = nullptr; first = last = nullptr; count = 0; } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::begin() noexcept -> iterator { if ( rootNode && !first ) leftMost(); return iterator{ first }; } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::cbegin() const noexcept -> const_iterator { if ( rootNode && !first ) const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this )->leftMost(); return const_iterator{ first }; } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::rbegin() noexcept -> reverse_iterator { if ( rootNode && !last ) rightMost(); sentinel->parent = last; return std::make_reverse_iterator( iterator{ sentinel.get() } ); } template<typename Data, typename Comparator> auto BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>::crbegin() const noexcept -> const_reverse_iterator { if ( rootNode && !last ) const_cast<BinarySearchTree*>( this ) ->rightMost(); sentinel->parent = last; return std::make_reverse_iterator( const_iterator{ sentinel.get() } ); }
Unit test suite for the binary search tree implementation
#include "catch.hpp" #include "BinarySearchTree.h" #include <iostream> #include <array> namespace csc240 { namespace internal { template <typename Data, typename Comparator> void iterate( BinarySearchTree<Data, Comparator>& bst ) { for ( auto& value : bst ) {} for ( auto iter = bst.cbegin(); iter != bst.cend(); std::advance( iter, 1 ) ) { if ( iter != bst.cbegin() ) { std::advance( iter, -1 ); std::advance( iter, 1 ); } } auto cend = bst.crend(); for ( auto iter = bst.crbegin(); iter != bst.crend(); ++iter ) { *iter; } } template <typename Data, typename Comparator> void testExists( const BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>& bst, const Data& value ) { REQUIRE( bst.exists( value ) ); iterate( const_cast<BinarySearchTree<Data,Comparator>&>( bst ) ); } template <typename Comparator> void testUint8( BinarySearchTree<uint8_t,Comparator>& bst ) { REQUIRE( bst.empty() ); REQUIRE_THROWS( bst.root() ); iterate<uint8_t,Comparator>( bst ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 5 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 5 ) == bst.end() ); auto iter = bst.emplace( 5 ); testExists<uint8_t,Comparator>( bst, 5 ); REQUIRE( 5 == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( 1 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( 5 == *iter ); REQUIRE( 5 == *( bst.find( 5 ) ) ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 3 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 3 ) == bst.end() ); iter = bst.emplace( 3 ); testExists<uint8_t,Comparator>( bst, 3 ); REQUIRE( 2 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( 5 == *iter ); REQUIRE( 3 == *( bst.find( 3 ) ) ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 8 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 8 ) == bst.end() ); iter = bst.emplace( 8 ); testExists<uint8_t,Comparator>( bst, 8 ); REQUIRE( 3 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( 5 == *iter ); REQUIRE( 8 == *( bst.find( 8 ) ) ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 1 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 1 ) == bst.end() ); iter = bst.remove( 1 ); REQUIRE( 3 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( iter == bst.end() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); iter = bst.remove( 3 ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 3 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 3 ) == bst.end() ); REQUIRE( 2 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( iter != bst.end() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); iter = bst.remove( 8 ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 8 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 8 ) == bst.end() ); REQUIRE( 1 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( iter != bst.end() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.exists( 1 ) ); REQUIRE( bst.find( 1 ) == bst.end() ); bst.emplace( 1 ); testExists<uint8_t,Comparator>( bst, 1 ); REQUIRE( 2 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( 1 == *( bst.find( 1 ) ) ); REQUIRE_FALSE( bst.empty() ); bst.remove( 5 ); REQUIRE( bst.empty() ); REQUIRE( 0 == bst.size() ); } } } SCENARIO( "Binary search tree works with simple types" ) { GIVEN( "A BST that orders uint8_t in ascending order" ) { csc240::BinarySearchTree<uint8_t> bst; csc240::internal::testUint8( bst ); } GIVEN( "A BST that orders uint8_t in descending order" ) { csc240::BinarySearchTree<uint8_t, std::greater<uint8_t>> bst; csc240::internal::testUint8( bst ); } } SCENARIO( "Binary tree works with initialiser lists" ) { GIVEN( "A BST of strings in ascending order" ) { WHEN( "Constructed using initialiser list" ) { csc240::BinarySearchTree<std::string> bst{ "c", "f", "a", "e", "d", "b" }; REQUIRE( 6 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( "c" == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( "a" == bst.leftMost() ); REQUIRE( "f" == bst.rightMost() ); uint8_t c = 97; for ( const auto& value : bst ) { REQUIRE( value[0] == c++ ); } } AND_WHEN( "Constructed using different order" ) { csc240::BinarySearchTree<std::string> bst{ "c", "f", "b", "e", "d", "a" }; REQUIRE( 6 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( "c" == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( "a" == bst.leftMost() ); REQUIRE( "f" == bst.rightMost() ); uint8_t c = 97; for ( const auto& value : bst ) { REQUIRE( value[0] == c++ ); } } } GIVEN( "A BST of strings in descending order" ) { WHEN( "Constructed using initialiser list" ) { csc240::BinarySearchTree<std::string,std::greater<std::string>> bst{ "c", "f", "a", "e", "b", "d" }; REQUIRE( 6 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( "c" == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( "f" == bst.leftMost() ); REQUIRE( "a" == bst.rightMost() ); uint8_t c = 102; for ( const auto& value : bst ) { REQUIRE( value[0] == c-- ); } } AND_WHEN( "Constructed using different order" ) { csc240::BinarySearchTree<std::string,std::greater<std::string>> bst{ "c", "f", "a", "e", "d", "b" }; REQUIRE( 6 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( "c" == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( "f" == bst.leftMost() ); REQUIRE( "a" == bst.rightMost() ); uint8_t c = 102; for ( const auto& value : bst ) { REQUIRE( value[0] == c-- ); } } } } SCENARIO( "Binary tree works with input iterators" ) { std::array<uint8_t, 9> array{ 27, 20, 62, 15, 25, 40, 71, 16, 21 }; GIVEN( "A BST of integers in ascending order" ) { csc240::BinarySearchTree<uint8_t> bst{ std::begin( array ), std::end( array ) }; WHEN( "Constructed using input iterators" ) { REQUIRE( bst.size() == array.size() ); auto iter = bst.cbegin(); REQUIRE( 15 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 16 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 20 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 21 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 25 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 27 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 40 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 62 == *(iter++) ); REQUIRE( 71 == *(iter++) ); } } GIVEN( "A BST of integers in descending order" ) { csc240::BinarySearchTree<uint8_t,std::greater<uint8_t>> bst{ std::begin( array ), std::end( array ) }; WHEN( "Constructed using input iterators" ) { REQUIRE( bst.size() == array.size() ); auto iter = bst.cbegin(); REQUIRE( 71 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 62 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 40 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 27 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 25 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 21 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 20 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 16 == *( iter++ ) ); REQUIRE( 15 == *( iter++ ) ); } } } SCENARIO( "const qualified functions work" ) { GIVEN( "A const BST of strings" ) { const csc240::BinarySearchTree<std::string> bst{ "c", "f", "a", "e", "b", "d" }; REQUIRE( 6 == bst.size() ); REQUIRE( "c" == bst.root() ); REQUIRE( "a" == bst.leftMost() ); REQUIRE( "f" == bst.rightMost() ); REQUIRE( bst.exists( "d" ) ); REQUIRE( "d" == *( bst.find( "d" ) ) ); auto rhs = csc240::BinarySearchTree<std::string>{ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" }; REQUIRE( bst == rhs ); } }