Sans Pareil Technologies, Inc.

Key To Your Business

Lab Exercise 1: Unit Testing

We will use a simple project to illustrate how to build a unit test suite.

Hello World Revisited

To illustrate unit testing, and the two styles that catch supports, refer to the hello project. In the project, we create a simple function that returns the classic “Hello World!” string. We then build unit tests (positive and negative) around the requirement that the function being tested returns the expected string value.
#pragma once
#include <string>

namespace csc240
  inline std::string hello()
    return "Hello World!";
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "hello.h"

namespace csc240
  TEST_CASE( "Hello World function" )
    const std::string& result = hello();

    THEN( "Output should match requirement" )
      REQUIRE( result == "Hello World!" );
      REQUIRE_FALSE( result == "hello world!" );
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "hello.h"

namespace csc240
  SCENARIO( "Hello World" )
    GIVEN( "A function that generates string 'Hello World!'" )
      const std::string& result = hello();

      THEN( "Output should match requirement" )
        REQUIRE( result == "Hello World!" );
        REQUIRE_FALSE( result == "hello world!" );
Download the project to your computer. Unarchive the project and then open it with Visual Studio. Inspect the source code in the project to see how the tests are structured.