Sans Pareil Technologies, Inc.

Key To Your Business

SPT is heavily committed to and involved with open-source software development. We use open-source software heavily in our work, and believe that we have a responsibility to give back to the community, and not just use the community to make a profit. Most of our open-source products are distributed under the liberal Apache 2.0 licence.

Mobile Applications

SPT has developed a range of data driven native mobile applications. SPT also developed and hosts the server infrastructure to support these mobile applications. Our server infrastructure is cloud based and uses a MongoDB for clustered data storage. Please view our Mobile Applications page for a full listing of the products we have developed.

Open Source

SPT has developed a range of Open Source Software products and frameworks. Most of our products are developed in Java and are hosted on popular open source project sites such as,, googlecode etc. Please view our Open Source Products page for a listing of a few products and frameworks we have developed.

Commercial Products

SPT has also developed closed-source Commercial Products and frameworks for internal use and customers. Although we believe in sharing with the community, we understand that our customers have other requirements and are more than willing to engage in closed-source products or frameworks that the customer can use or distribute as per their requirements. Please view our Commercial Software page for a listing of some of the products we have developed.