Minnal C++ Servlet Container  1.7.0
Developed by Sans Pareil Technologies, Inc. (SPT)
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spt::servlet::templating::CMSServlet Class Reference

The Servlet that builds dynamic output based on files with extension cms stored under the virtual host document root. More...

#include <CMSServlet.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for spt::servlet::templating::CMSServlet:
+ Collaboration diagram for spt::servlet::templating::CMSServlet:

Public Member Functions

 CMSServlet ()
 Default CTOR. More...
virtual ~CMSServlet ()
 Virtual DTOR for sub-classes. More...
const std::string getServletName () const
 Return a descriptive name for this servlet (useful for logging). More...
void init ()
 Initialise the servlet instance. Invoked from VirtualHostServer. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from spt::servlet::Servlet
 Servlet ()
 Default CTOR. More...
virtual ~Servlet ()
 Virtual DTOR for sub-classes. More...
void service (Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse &resp)
 The primary request/response handling method. More...
virtual const std::string & getServerIdentifier () const
void setServletConfig (const model::ServletConfigPtr sc)
 Set the servlet configuration information for this instance. More...
void setHostContext (const model::HostContextPtr hptr)
 Set the host context information for this instance. More...

Protected Member Functions

Poco::Logger & getLogger ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from spt::servlet::FileServlet
void doGet (Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse &resp)
 Handle a GET HTTP request from a client. More...
void doHead (Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse &resp)
 Handle a HEAD HTTP request from a client. More...
void doOptions (Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse &resp)
 Handle a OPTIONS HTTP request from a client. More...
bool checkURI (Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse &resp)
 Check the URI specified in client request to ensure it is valid. Validity checks try to protect against common attacks attempted by malicious scripts and hackers. More...
std::string checksum (const Poco::File &filePath)
 Compute a checksum for the specified file. May be used for etags or similar purposes. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from spt::servlet::Servlet
const model::ServletConfigPtr getServletConfig () const
model::HostContextPtr getHostContext ()
const model::HostConfigurationPtr getHostConfiguration ()
const model::ContextParamsgetContextParams () const
const model::InitParamsgetInitParams () const
const std::string & getName () const
const std::string & getClassName () const
void log (const std::string &msg)
 Log the specified information message to the getLogger. More...
void log (const std::string &className, const std::string &method, const std::string &msg)
 Log the specified information message to the getLogger Prefix the message with the className and method. More...
void sendErrorResponse (Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTPStatus status, const std::string &message, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse &resp)
 Send an error response with the specified status and explanation message to the response. More...
virtual bool authenticate (const Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req)
bool requiresAuthentication (const Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req)
 Checks rules in web.xml to determine if URI is protected. More...
virtual const std::string * getRealm () const
 Sub-classes that need to specify custom realms must over-ride. The default implementation uses the realm configured under the login-config element in web.xml. More...
virtual void doPost (Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse &resp)
 Handle a POST HTTP request from a client. More...
virtual void doTrace (Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse &resp)
 Handle a TRACE HTTP request from a client. More...
virtual void doPut (Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse &resp)
 Handle a PUT HTTP request from a client. More...
virtual void doDelete (Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse &resp)
 Handle a DELETE HTTP request from a client. More...
bool gzipResponse (const Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req) const
 Check to see if request specified gzip compressed response. More...
bool deflateResponse (const Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req) const
 Check to see if request specified deflate compressed response. More...
bool rangeRequest (const Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req) const
 Check to see if request specified a byte range from full data. More...
const Range getRequestedRange (const Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest &req) const
 Return the byte range specified in the request. More...
const std::string getContentType (const std::string &path) const
 Return the mime-type for the resource at specified path. More...
const std::string & stringValue (const std::string &key, const std::string &defaultValue=std::string()) const
 Return value of init or context param with specified key. More...
int intValue (const std::string &key) const
 Return int value of init or context param with specified key. More...
bool booleanValue (const std::string &key) const
 Return value of init or context param with specified key. More...
model::ServletSecurityPtr securityForPath (const std::string &url)
 Attempt to return ServletSecurity for path. Designed to be invoked from servletSecurity( const string& ). More...
model::ServletSecurityPtr servletSecurity (const std::string &url)
 Return the servlet security configuration if any for request path. More...
const std::string & getDocRoot () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from spt::servlet::Servlet
static const std::string ALLOW
 The HTTP Allow header. More...
static const std::string ACCEPT_RANGES
 The HTTP Accept-Ranges header. More...
static const std::string CACHE_CONTROL
 The HTTP Cache-Control directive. More...
static const std::string CONTENT_RANGE
 The HTTP Content-Range header. More...
static const std::string ETAG_HEADER
 The HTTP ETag header. More...
static const std::string IF_MODIFIED_SINCE
 The HTTP If-Modified-Since header. More...
static const std::string IF_RANGE
 The HTTP If-Range header. More...
static const std::string LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER
 The HTTP Last-Modified header. More...
static const std::string MUST_REVALIDATE
 The HTTP must-revalidate header. More...
static const std::string RANGE
 The HTTP Range header. More...
- Protected Types inherited from spt::servlet::Servlet
typedef std::pair
< Poco::UInt32, Poco::UInt32 > 
 Pair of the starting and ending byte range specified in request. More...

Detailed Description

The Servlet that builds dynamic output based on files with extension cms stored under the virtual host document root.

These files are JSON files that specify the location of template to use to render the dynamic content, as well as the type of datastore to retrieve the associted data from.

Data (also represented as JSON) will be loaded from the appropriate datastore and used to build the ctemplate data dictionary. Data will need to be stored with a path that is the same as the path to the requested cms file.

Created 2014/10/03 16:41
CMSServlet.h 5632 2014-10-06 22:04:21Z rakesh

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

spt::servlet::templating::CMSServlet::CMSServlet ( )

Default CTOR.

virtual spt::servlet::templating::CMSServlet::~CMSServlet ( )

Virtual DTOR for sub-classes.

Member Function Documentation

Poco::Logger& spt::servlet::templating::CMSServlet::getLogger ( )
Poco::Logger Return the logger used by this servlet.

Reimplemented from spt::servlet::Servlet.

const std::string spt::servlet::templating::CMSServlet::getServletName ( ) const

Return a descriptive name for this servlet (useful for logging).

const std::string The name for this servlet.

Reimplemented from spt::servlet::Servlet.

void spt::servlet::templating::CMSServlet::init ( )

Initialise the servlet instance. Invoked from VirtualHostServer.

Reimplemented from spt::servlet::Servlet.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: